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Personal development - DO IT!

Compete against yourself or others?

Competing against yourself. The web does not miss articles and videos about this subject, explaining with multiple reasons why you do not have to compete with no one else than yourself. When you successfully reach a goal at work or break your marathon record, your motivation speeds up, you raise your personal satisfaction you surprise yourself…

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Personal development - DO IT!

Are you doing something at work? (part 2 / 2)

Part 2: Record achievements and Analyse. After recording your achievements during a month, it is time to take a step back and analyse if you did well or not. Did I record my achievements. Keeping a record of your achievements will help you at any moment to answer questions from your team and your boss…

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Personal development - DO IT!

Are you doing something at work? (part 1 / 2)

Part 1: Define your strategy. What did you achieve last week at work? Most of us will take some time before answering, and it’s right. So how to measure efficiently his work done? First choose a service you are already using, this is my tips…

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