
Are you doing something at work? (part 2 / 2)

Post published with Ecomsight Program

Part 2: Record achievements and Analyse (read part 1 first)

After recording your achievements during a month, it is time to take a step back and analyse if you did well or not.
  1. Did I record my achievements. Keeping a record of your achievements will help you at any moment to answer questions from your team and your boss. Remember this, more confidence in your work = less stress and anxiety.
  2. Did I communicate my achievements. Share your progress with your manager and on a share document accessible to your team. It will keep you motivated by seing what has been done by yourseld.
  3. Improve, improve and improve. Collect feedback from your manager and continuously asking yourself how you could improve what your are doing. To help, you can take additional notes about what went well or not regrading your tasks done during this month (for instance about your productivity).
By looking at the bigger picture your job done, you have to surprise yourself and at the same time your boss! I am personally convinced that measuring and analyzing regularly your tasks done will improve your confidence at work and will push you ahead in the next step of your professional carrier.
Good luck, and feel free to open the discussion with a comment!
NL2W33 record goals measure achievements
Be there next week for the next “DO IT!” series about competing with yourself