
Everlane, King of Product Page Design?

Here we go with the analysis of the product page of Everlane.com, which has become one of the online-shop regarding user experience.

Let’s review the pros and cons of the Everlane product page:

1. Everlane’s transparency to show the true cost of a product and their factories
2. The products displayed in different sizes
3. The smooth navigation with product images
4. Navigation facilitated with the categories fixed on the left
5. Complete your look with the products worn by the model


1. Error message is not visible if the size is not selected (in case the user does not see the sizes when clicking on CTA “Add to cart”)
2. Zoom of the product images a little weak
3. On mobile, CTA “Add to cart” could have been fixed when user scrolls the page.


Click on the thumbnail below to load the board!


What you have to keep in mind

Key word? TRANSPARENCY. Whether it is on the cost of a product, its factories or its involvement in environmental protection, Everlane is 100% transparent with its customers.

If you have the opportunity with your business, play the transparency card too, you will increase the trust with your customers and by default your conversion rate!


Services in use by Everlane on the product page

Sailthru for product recommendations
Bazaarvoice for product reviews
ContentSquare for user behavior analysis




This analysis does not take into account any technical, business or A/B test constraints that Everlane may have performed.